Harnessing Creative Intelligence (CQ) skills for a competitive business advantage

Recent research shows that creative thinking will be the most important leadership feature of the next decade. This will help in mapping the Creative Intelligence skills to applicable business attributes and design thinking to show how important they are to anyone looking for a creative solution.

This session shows how Creative Intelligence has a direct business application by connecting a case study to a Creative Intelligence Torrance test. Integrating this CSI1 CQ session into a complete suite allows you to map the seven CQ skills needed to implement creative and critical thinking strategies.

Outcomes and Takeaways

  1. Learn about the 7 key CQ attributes needed to be creative
  2. Assess and map individual and teams in the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking skills (TTCT)
  3. Understand how the best of the best use CQ in business (7 case studies)
  4. Connect KPIs to CQ skills, and harness CQ skills as a competitive business advantage
  5. Conduct a gap analysis to assess current and needed CQ skills in a work context
  6. Learn how CQ skills can counteract creative blockers
  7. Use the CQ skills for each step of a Design Thinking process

The session demonstrates how CQ has direct business applications, through connecting business case studies to the CQ Torrance testing. When integrated with the full suite, this CSI-1CQ session can map the 7 CQ skills needed to implement creative thinking and critical thinking strategies.

The Suspects – Who Killed Creativity? (The Crime)

Explore crime and crime scenes by identifying potential psychological and environmental blocks of creativity.

The gamed workshop session "Who Killed Creativity?

Is an interactive diagnostic tool for finding barriers to creative thinking and innovation in individuals, groups, and organizations. This session should be an important prelude to creative thinking / agile or innovative interventions initiated by a team or company.

With the motto of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI style)

This session will help identify the most important “creativity killer” perpetrators that we all face individually (psychology such as cultural and environmental blocks). This program revolves around a diagnostic board game simulation of creativity blocks. A non-competitive gamed diagnostic tool for exploring creativity blocks and identifying the best rescue strategies.


The Rescuers: How to get Creativity back. (The Scene)

Investigate the creative thinking enablers and learn strategies to counter the blockers.

Allow creative thinking to thrive in individuals, teams, and organizations.

Implications and Applications (The Investigation)

This session includes goal setting and strategic planning, which will be applied to business and personal environments.

Outcomes and Takeaways

  1. Understanding both the neurological (internal) and environmental (external) forces that inhibit and block creative thinking.
  2. Participants will walk away with an understanding of why creativity has difficulty flourishing in a typical work environment plus learn the traits of a creative mindset and innovative work environment.