Lost your motivation? Ask Yogesh Sood

Lost your motivation? Ask Yogesh Sood

Dear Yogesh,

I am Savita, working as a Project Manager at a Multinational Company. There is a lot of work and my team is doing a good job. Job security is there and everything has been fine. However, I feel like any of it does not matter anymore. I have been going through multiple feelings for the past few days, like being demotivated, less interested in the things that I used to be highly enthusiastic about, and so on.

Maybe it is burnout, or maybe it is because of not having a purpose in life. What do you think? If it is important to have, then how can I find it?

Please help me to think straight.



Dear Savita,

There can be reasons for this feeling. You need to understand it. It is a situation everyone encounters once in their lives, so it is natural. Besides, it may be a bunch of other different things as well. Let us ponder upon them:

Grief: This is the foremost reason that can be a cause of your confusion. Losing a sudden motivation can be a sign of losing a near one too. Grief can last a long time. It is life and we need to learn to manage difficult things too. Happiness and sadness are a part of life. There is no control over such things, so it is better to move forward. In simple words, the show must go on!

Depression: If you have a family history of depression, then this can be the reason for your confusion. If you think you might be depressed, you can invest your time in exercising, considering a diet, or going outdoors. This can be the best way to come out of such situations. Depression is quite common nowadays. You should self-diagnose or consult a doctor.

A mission keeps you focused: Having a mission can help in keeping everything aligned. Without a mission, you will remain unfocused. Having a focus on short-term goals is good (such as working on a project, starting a blog, or practicing a skill). While focusing on short-term goals is good, you should also not ignore your long-term goals. Have a mission and work accordingly with your team to achieve the same. In a nutshell, be busy and work to achieve your targets.

You need to feel happy and calm: This can help you do your work easily and enjoy moments in life. This can also help you walk in the right direction. Life is unpredictable and you should enjoy every moment of life. The progress can be slow and steady, but it will give you a purpose and extraordinary

At last, I would suggest you consult a doctor. There might be problems you do not know. I encourage taking care of yourself and your health so that you can move forward and achieve your goals. There is so much to enjoy in this life, just be patient and find a reason to smile.

Hope this helps.


Yogesh Sood

This blog is inspired by a recent blog written by Madeleine Homan Blanchard on August 8, 2020 – https://resources.kenblanchard.com/blanchard-leaderchat/lost-your-motivation-ask-madeleine