The Under the Hood: The Secret Engine that Drives Destructive Conflict


But we don’t always realize the level of harm caused by the toxic behaviors that come along with it. Unproductive conflict is a measurable drag on productivity, performance, and the bottom line. Yet conflict—if done right—is integral to success. Today’s struggle leads to tomorrow’s breakthrough. Under the Hood exposes the hidden connection between our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, revealing the secret engine that drives destructive conflict in the workplace. This eBook also points to the solution with a proven methodology that’s grounded in psychology and validated in the field by Authorized Partners of Everything DiSC®. This method empowers all people to put their conscious selves back in the driver’s seat and productively engage in conflict.

Why is there so much gossip in organizations? It’s so common that we just accept it—but seriously, why? Gossip makes people look untrustworthy and two-faced. Not to mention, there’s a pretty decent chance those words are going to get back to the other person and land the source on their blacklist. So why risk it?

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