We are the authorized partners of The Five Behaviors® (A Wiley Brand) in India. Together, we bring you an array of assessments and programs that make individuals, team and organizations measurably more effective.

The Five Behaviors® is the result of the partnership between Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni. Our mission was to create a program that improves team effectiveness and productivity through the understanding and application of The Five Behaviors: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. This unique learning experience helps individuals and teams build effective work culture through communication and collaboration.


Team Development

Helps participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together

Personal Development

Helps individuals to better understand themselves and their team through the principles of The Five Behaviors®

The Five Behaviors® Solutions

Solution Highlights Personal Development Team Development
Product DescriptionHelps individuals to better understand themselves and their team through the principles of The Five BehaviorsHelps participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together
PurposeCreates and scales a culture of teamwork and collaborationBuilds cohesiveness within intact teams
WhoAnyoneIntact Team
Number of PeopleUp to 305-12
Longevity of TeamNo requirementDesigned for teams with a 6-week minimum tenure

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