Eagle’s Flight™ began as a spark within the mind of our CEO Phil Geldart, a then young and up-and-coming corporate trainer, reflecting on his less-than-motivating university experiences with lecture halls, binders and droning professors. Faced with the daunting task of having to deliver time management training to a room full of senior leaders, he was determined to find a better way to deliver the outcome. He thought about the ways in which people learn and the obstacles to that learning.
“Maybe I could create an experience by embedding the learning into a game so people will learn without realizing they are learning”
That was the spark that kindled the fire. Phil developed a principle-based program that would teach the importance of planning, risk, resource and time management; how to maximize productivity from every moment. He called it Gold of the Desert Kings™. “I wanted to create something that was pragmatic and immediately applicable to the job.”The results were paradigm shifting.
Experiential learning exposes gaps in individuals and organizations in a way that creates sustained behavior change.
Eagle’s Flight now spans the globe, with representation in 45 countries and programs offered in more than 25 languages. We deliver more than 300 sessions per month to groups of 10 to 3000+ participants, with repeat business tracking at more than ninety percent.