Championing for Performance Improvement!

The Ultimate Manager Performance Enhancing Process

Mentoring is a process of building workplace relationships to empower individuals... to develop personal and professional abilities, achieve performance goals at increasingly higher levels, and make progress toward their career goals.

The Communication Style Profile is a tool to assess your preferences on communication styles, flexibility and empathy as seen by others. Participants will fill in one questionnaire and select a number of their colleagues to fill in another set for a computer generated feedback of the participant’s ability to understand the differences and needs among people. From that, participants will be given a personal Gameplan to formulate communication strategies for any mentee they want to influence.

The Key Benefits

For Mentee

Take charge of his/her own learning Advance his/her career Improve his/her performance

For Mentor/Manager

Improve organizational performance Feel pride in accomplishments of mentees

For Organization

Achieve organizational goals Build a learning organization Grow the business

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain awareness of the importance and benefits of mentoring as a supervisory/management role and responsibility
  • Develop an understanding of...
  • – The mentoring process and how to use it to “grow” people and organizations.
  • The critical success factors/competencies for effective mentoring.
  • Identify their own mentoring style and learn how to apply and adapt that style in different mentoring relationships.
  • Learn specific tools and techniques to mentor their people more effectively.