Problems in healthcare, like medical errors, regularly make headlines, but they often seem too far-reaching or systemic for any one group to effectively intervene. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) was particularly interested in helping reduce problems by creating healthy work environments. Their 65,000 member nurses were reporting widespread concern about toxic work environments fraught with conflict and poor communication. At the same time, recent research findings were directly linking breakdowns in communication and poor collaboration to medical errors and other adverse events in the industry.
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, the world’s largest specialty nursing organization, has been serving the needs of nurses caring for acutely and critically ill patients since 1969. Representing the interests of more than 400,000 nurses who care for acutely and critically ill patients, AACN is dedicated to creating a healthcare system driven by the needs of patients and their families, where acute and critical care nurses make their optimal contribution.