Ensure a cohesive learning experience

Blanchard recognizes the need for leadership training to be a seamless part of a learner's existing environment. We begin each project with the design process, where we team up with our clients to construct a program that is suitable for their technology infrastructure and embeds their content into an interesting learning experience. This approach guarantees that learners have the sensation of being part of an integrated, tailored adventure created by their company, not just a mix of unrelated off-the-shelf elements.

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Seamless integration of content


SSO Integration

One sign-in for all our content and platforms


Deep Links

From your existing platform, you can access Blanchard's proven content


Hosted Content

Integrate our digital content into your learning platforms


Always Current

You'll always have the latest content - no version control issues


Custom Content

Make connections between Blanchard models and your strategic imperatives



Create context and bridges with email and text


Experiences driven by content integration

Our Solutions Architects have the experience and understanding needed to create an effective design by applying collaborative principles and design thinking concepts. We know how to deploy tech and use instructional design methods to meet distinct learner requirements. Our team will lend their expertise in executive sponsorship, incorporate content into current initiatives or systems, develop an engaging, aesthetically pleasing design, set up a sustainment plan for the program, and also integrate metrics for evaluation.

Integrate Content Easily With Our Experts

Plan your live event and communication strategy

We can discuss options with you. Many platforms do not deliver programs or manage cohorts or communications.

Determine Your Translation Strategy Early

Consider using "ready to go" (off-the-shelf) content to scale quickly and avoid translating costs.

Think Long Term

Using a learning experience platform for the formal journey, identify what happens afterward to drive skills, such as alumni groups, deeper sessions, new content areas, and quarterly campaigns.

Learn more about content integration

A holistic approach to learning that creates a cohesive journey is key to connecting with learners and inspiring transformation and behavioral change. Here at Blanchard, our Solutions Architects are well-versed in marrying evidence-based content with leadership development frameworks – on our platform or yours. Reach out and see how we can help you develop a learning journey that sticks, by equipping leaders with the skills vital for success now and in the future.

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